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10 Ways To Lower Your Electric Bill


Energy Star says the average household spends $2,060 per year on household energy costs or just under $200 per month. That’s a considerable amount of money to simply light and power the home. The good news is simple, small adjustments can put a sizable dent in these exuberant energy costs. Tweaking energy usage around the home may reduce your electric bill by as much as 25% each month.

How To Save Money On Your Electric Bill

  1. Inspect the home
  2. Schedule annual HVAC tune-ups
  3. Upgrade to Energy Star appliances
  4. Switch to LED bulbs
  5. Insulate the home
  6. Upgrade the water heater
  7. Invest in a power strip
  8. Install a programmable thermostat
  9. Add ceiling fans
  10. Change the HVAC filters

Let's dive into these ten tips on how to save money without sacrificing comfort:

1. Inspect the Home

Gaps and cracks around doors, windows, appliances, and other fixtures may not seem important, but the truth is, they’re costing you every month. Seal up those holes and fix the cracks to save more than 10% on monthly energy costs. Caulk and weatherstrip around the windows, add a window insulation kit to each window and fill in door frame cracks with caulk to continue the savings. Don't forget to include the often overlooked areas where energy loss may occur, such as wall outlets and switches.

2. Schedule Annual HVAC Tune-ups

An annual HVAC tune-up can do wonders for your family’s comfort and your energy bills. Average savings of 10% exist for homeowners that schedule a professional HVAC tune-up each year. Sealing ductwork, replacing worn and loose belts and other preventative maintenance measures keep the HVAC unit functioning as it should, in turn keeping your home comfortable and energy costs low. Routine maintenance also increases the life expectancy of the HVAC unit by many years and can validate your current or extended warranty.

3. Upgrade to Energy Star Appliances

Energy Star appliances save a considerable amount of money on energy costs each month. Take a look at the different appliances in your home. Any that do not include an Energy Star label qualify for immediate replacement. In most appliance upgrade purchases, the initial money spent on the item pays for itself down the line. Appliances manufactured today use half the amount of energy as appliances designed 15 years ago. Dishwashers with the Energy Star label exceed federal standards by 41%. Investing in new energy-efficient, Energy Star labeled appliances is a big deal that saves you an enormous amount of money each month. Consider adding new appliances in your home to receive these savings.

4. Switch to LED Bulbs

Most people use incandescent light bulbs throughout their home. A simple switch to an LED bulb is an excellent way to gain more intriguing lighting and reduce energy costs. LED light bulbs cost a fraction more than incandescent light bulbs but save as much as 90% of operating costs. It is well worth making this switch. Make the switch to improve the lighting throughout the home and the amount of money you spend on electrical costs each month.

5. Insulate the Home

The Department of Energy says that you can reduce your monthly electrical costs by as much as 30% by insulating the home. Attic insulation alone may help reduce the costs of heating and cooling while also creating a more comfortable environment for the whole family. Homes that are 25 years old or older especially benefit from this addition.

6. Upgrade the Water Heater

Heating water is expensive. It accounts for about 11% of our total utility bills each year. Upgrade your water heater if it is more than a decade old. Upgrading the water heater for a new energy-efficient model is a cost-effective solution that can reduce energy costs by as much as 30%. Upgrade to a tankless water heater and the savings -and benefits -are even greater. While you’re at it, reduce the water heater temperature to save money and prevent burns and scalds from overly hot water. Many water heaters are set at a temperature of 140 degrees F, which consumes a large amount of energy.

7. Avoid Phantom Loads By Investing In A Power Strip

As much as 75% of the energy used in the home comes from “phantom loads,” or energy consumed when appliances and electronics are switched off but remain in the wall outlet. Many people fail to realize that energy is being consumed by an item simply being plugged into the outlet. Purchase a power strip, plug items like PCs, DVD players, video consoles, etc. into the strip so that it is easy to switch off each night and avoid phantom load energy loss and expense.

8. Install a Programmable Thermostat

A programmable thermostat saves energy by turning on at specified times that you choose. Why cool your home all day long when no one is there? A programmable thermostat allows you to turn the A/C on high before you get off work or before you come home for the day. Programmable thermostats significantly reduce energy costs, and installation is fairly inexpensive.

9. Install Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans update the style of a room. Many people enjoy their added sleekness and sophistication. Perhaps you want to do things differently in the dining room or even a bedroom. Ceiling fans make it easy to update the look while also reducing electrical costs. Costs to buy and install a ceiling fan varies, but don't expect to fork over more than a couple hundred bucks for the service. It depends on the fan chosen and the company chosen for installation. Once installed, ceiling fans rotate the heat or air (depending on the season) throughout the house so you can not only reduce temperatures on the thermostat but enjoy savings month after month.

10. Change the HVAC Filters

Depending on the type of A/C unit in the home, filters must be cleaned or changed every one to three months. The filters must be properly maintained to keep the HVAC system efficiently working to cool or heat the home. They filter out dust, debris, pollen, pet dander, etc. from the air and help force the cool air into your home. When the filters clog or need to be replaced, they no longer provide this duty, which causes the unit to work harder to cool the home.This causes unnecessary wear and tear and potential damage. Don't take that risk when changing A/C filters is so inexpensive and simple.

Find Out How ElectricMan Can Help

Bottom line: Life has so many exciting things to see, do, and experience that you'd probably much rather spend your money on than handing over this cash to the electric company each month. Take the first steps to reduce electric bill costs by using the above information in your day-to-day life. For all of your electrical needs, contact ElectricMan at (972) 362-1804.
